Is There Right and Wrong?

Watch part two!

Watch our following video and engage with our community with these thoughts:

What are things you see in society that are not just? What makes you angry?

Are there things that are right and wrong for all of us, regardless of popularity or opinion?

If right and wrong are based on consensus or popular opinion, then was slavery or the actions of Nazi Germany wrong? Discuss your thoughts.

We can’t say anything is objectively right or wrong.
Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Why or why not?

Christians point to God as their external standard. By measuring themselves against Him, they can arbitrate between human opinions. What do you make of this? What’s the alternative?

Our next live event:

Why are we here?

Step beyond the echo chambers and participate in significant live conversations.













Conversation starters.

Explore real meaning by engaging with our selected videos. Step beyond the echo chambers and participate in significant conversations.

Were we made 
for time?

Do you believe in ghosts?

 Can Something Come From Nothing?

Why am I here? Part 1